Until recently from a warm day, the temperature fell rapidly. The body has aged, very hard(-_-;)
Today evening, the outside temperature was below 18 ℃.
Has dropped from nearly 10 ℃ compared with last week.
And says that cold at 17.6 ℃, cold from the region who either would not be laughing? However, this quickly change in temperature is hard(^^;)
まずは、一号機のNIKON COOLPIX P100です。Panoramioに投稿していて、それまでのコンデジで物足りなくなって、つい手を伸ばしてしまったカメラで、今は、主に、仕事で現場撮影用になってしまいましたが、コイツが26倍望遠機能付きで、結構重宝しています。
No. 1, "NIKON COOLPIX P100".I have had to post it to Panoramio, was unable to satisfy a compact digital camera that was used before.This is the camera had been purchased on impulse.Now, Lord, that you are using shooting to construction work, which with 26x telephoto capability, has been quite useful
2号機は、現在メインで使用しているNIKON D90です。COOLPIX P100を使っていて機能的に撮りたい写真が撮れなくて、またしても衝動買いしてしまいました。未だに使いこなせていませんが、使い始めた頃は、今まで撮った写真とは比べものにならない出来映えで、これは凄い!と感激していました。
No. 2, I have now used mainly by "NIKON D90". "COOLPIX P100" If you're using, and therefore not take a photo shoot in functionality, I also urge you to buy again.Still be difficult for use, I started to use is not considered a good finish when compared with pictures taken before, this is amazing! And was thrilled.
Even with some rough, rugged camera I break.However, when dropped from the seat of the car, had cracked the LCD monitor. So I began to repair. Since it has been careful not to drop. I use it in the rain with little trouble.
3号機はNIKON D3000で、D90を修理に出している時の代替機のつもりで購入したのですが、以外と優れものなので、D90が戻って来てからも、スクーターで散歩する時に、首からぶら下げて使っています。
No.3, "NIKON D3000"Repair of "D90" was going to buy a replacement.And better than those, come back from the D90, when I walk on a scooter, uses hanging from the neck.
No.3, "NIKON D3000"Repair of "D90" was going to buy a replacement.And better than those, come back from the D90, when I walk on a scooter, uses hanging from the neck.
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